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Note: This is sort of a half-free-write. I was intending to free-write when I started it but I couldn't get totally into the free-write head. But I think it's an interesting piece anyways.

What are we going to free write about? Ellen asks me, and it's funny because I do have my thoughts planned out in a way -- perhaps we could free write about Cousin Brucie and how he's been on the radio since you were in 8th grade -- but that's your memory not mine. Perhaps we could free write about Mason & Dixon and how I stood on line in front of St. Mark's Books to be the first to purchase it -- but that's my memory not yours. Why not talk about how our thoughts stretch out before us like nonexistent highways, futures we talk about then proceed to realize. Mighty. Drawbacks and advantages to free writing and talking "off the top of your head" to someone vital to your present/future -- Emil Sinclair said, "I could far sooner share some secrets with the verworfensten Gassenbuben than with my sisters" -- because they represented the world of light.