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October 17, 1999

What makes a free-write "successful" or not? It's a combination of a couple of things, all totally subjective on my part. The main determining factor is how fully I feel that I have slipped into the free-write head while I was composing the piece. Length also plays a role. You will notice that the first couple of pieces I have linked to from the Free-writing page are quite short; I don't consider them to be very successful.

A short free-write means I wasn't able to get into the head very deeply, and I slipped out of it quickly. When I slip out of the head I consider the exercise over; once I pause I don't go back to writing. As time goes on I will post some of my longer pieces. (Right now I have free-written successfully on about 3 occasions over the past 2 years; I am hoping this web page will serve as an impetus for more.)