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"Personal density," Kurt Mondaugen in his Peenemunde office not too many steps from here, enunciating the Law which will one day bear his name, "is directly proportional to temporal bandwidth."

"Temporal bandwidth" is the width of your present, your now... The more you dwell in the past and in the future, the thicker your bandwidth.

Gravity's Rainbow
p. 509

Every time I read Mondaugen's Law, I see a different shade of meaning in it. On some level it seems like a complicated phrasing of common sense -- that in order not to be flighty, one must bear in mind the predecessors to, and repercussions of, one's actions. The act of phrasing it as a scientific theorem makes me step back and examine the common-sense meaning.

My first impulse is to rebel against it -- surely the narrower the temporal bandwidth, the more focussed one is in the present moment, the "denser" one's personality will be -- here I am extrapolating my understanding of the word "dense" from its use in describing physical objects.

But at the same time there is a voice in my head saying I understand the point Pynchon is getting at here even if I can't put the words together in a sensible way. The notion of describing "personality" as a wave form seems like it could potentially be extremely useful, though my grounding in physics is not sufficient for me to understand exactly how.