The READIN Family Album
Dogwood (May 20, 2003) (cf.)


Jeremy's journal

If you think, "I breathe," the "I" is extra. There is no you to say "I." What we call "I" is just a swinging door which moves when we inhale or when we exhale.

Shun Ryu Suzuki

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🦋 Wish list

OK, this is the post for my list of things I would love to receive as presents. Not necessarily directed at you, don't feel like I'm asking you to give me gifts -- it's more a tool for my own use, since now and then someone will ask me what I want for a birthday or similar, and it will have slipped my mind that I really wanted to own John Wesley Harding "A Bloody Show" or whatever. OTOH if you are already looking to give me a gift, well here are some things I've been thinking about.

  • DVD's of John Wesley Harding "A Bloody Show" and "Wisconsin Death Trip" (or also, the book Wisconsin Death Trip.)
  • León Ferrari: Obra 1976-2008 and the catalog from the Tangled Alphabets show.
  • Any box sets from JSP Records.
  • The book La España Negra by José Gutiérrez Solana, and/or a collection of prints of his paintings.
  • The DVD of Dirt Road to Psychedelia.
  • Borges Laberintos Dručmelić -- short stories by Borges illustrated with paintings by Dručmelić.
  • Portable USB Turntable
  • A Humument by Tom Phillips
  • Purgatorio, illustrated by Dalí

That's all for now, more later as I think of them... I will store this post on my "Reading list" thread due to its list-y nature.

posted afternoon of Saturday, June 20th, 2009
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