posted morning of Wednesday, November 21st, 2007
Love it!
I didn't know you could sing too! But hey, where's your chin
rest! You'll be great at our jams and meet a lot of other folks to
sing and play with.
Super impressed.
posted evening of January 18th, 2008 by Mo Menzel
Thanks Mo! I'm looking forward to the February jam.
posted evening of January 18th, 2008 by Jeremy
Thanks for telling me about all this. I can see this keeps you
posted afternoon of May 21st, 2008 by Bruce Kawin
Hi Bruce, glad you came by!
posted afternoon of May 21st, 2008 by Jeremy
I found your blog via Edge of the West, which I read regularly. I
was intrigued by your comments there, because you are smart and
funny, and because I am also from Modesto. (Modesto, California,
that is.) Your blog is great! I'm happy I found it.
posted evening of June 15th, 2008 by rosmar
Thanks, Rosmar! Glad you came by. Do you still live in Modesto? I
moved away many years ago but some of my family members (parents,
aunt and uncle, grandmother) live there.
posted morning of June 16th, 2008 by Jeremy
Nope, I don't live there anymore. I moved to the Bay Area
(Oakland, more specifically) to go to graduate school at UC
Berkeley, and then 3 years ago got a job teaching in North
Carolina, which is where I am now. But all of my family still lives
in Modesto (or nearby, like Riverbank or Turlock).
posted evening of June 16th, 2008 by rosmar
heyy i was testing hacks and saw this hole so I suggest you fix it =)
posted evening of October 26th, 2008 by RedRum
Thanks dude.
posted evening of October 26th, 2008 by Jeremy
Hi Jeremy!
I dropped by while looking for some bibliography on Orhan Pamuk and I found the most thorough one. Thank you very much!
You have a very interesting blog indeed. I'm afraid mine is only an Italian-speaking one, but I'm linking yours anyway.
Happy New Year, by the way!
posted afternoon of December 29th, 2008 by Marina
Thanks, Marina, happy New Year to you! This year I am trying to learn Spanish, maybe next year I'll have a go at Italian!
posted afternoon of December 29th, 2008 by Jeremy
I just discovered your site yesterday (Bells of Rhymney). What a pleasure to "hear" people discussing books. I live in Southern California, so such talk is a treat for me. Since you're reading the "His Dark Materials," trilogy, go back to Milton. I just finished the edition of Paradise Lost for which Pullman wrote the commentary. Brilliant. What a ripping good yarn. God bless, M.
posted morning of January 28th, 2009 by Margaret Hildebrand
Glad to see you around, Maggie! Interesting -- I was just reading a note about how His Dark Materials is written with reference to Milton. Maybe I'll take a look at that soon; though I doubt whether Sylvia would be interested in it...
posted morning of January 28th, 2009 by Jeremy
Nice, may the light be with you
posted afternoon of February 23rd, 2009 by Axa
This is a good blog, find it very useful since I am currently preparing a thesis on English literature using My Name is Red. I have a question I'd like you to give opinion on: What do you think if I use the qualifications of "style & signature", "time", and "blindness & memory" as some kind of variables in order to determine the conflict within the book, seen from Butterfly, Stork, and Olive's point of view?
I'll soon start posting a blog, but until then, you can let me know your opinion on the question above to an e-mail address, Thank you for the respond.
posted morning of February 27th, 2009 by Handy
Hi Handy, sure, that seems like a good approach -- each of the illuminators certainly has a distinct voice and style. I don't remember noticing a difference in their approaches to time, blindness, and memory, but if you notice such a difference it would absolutely make a good basis for analyzing the novel.
posted morning of February 27th, 2009 by Jeremy
Great Page, dude!
I found it, while i was searching for Novalis-Stuff.
Great project with the translation!
Best wishes from Germany
posted evening of March 19th, 2009 by Benni
Vielen Dank, Benni!
posted morning of March 20th, 2009 by Jeremy
Hey, TMK, I finally found your blog. I left a msg. on that live journal site, because I was not sure, if it was you. You are not on TGW as much. Well, I'm glad I get to read your blog now.
posted afternoon of November 14th, 2009 by Nat
Hi Nat, glad you found it!
posted afternoon of November 14th, 2009 by Jeremy
Tu pagina es muy interesante, pienso mantener mi atención en ella!
saludos desde México
posted evening of November 19th, 2009 by clara
¡Gracias, Clara!
posted morning of November 20th, 2009 by Jeremy
I love it! I was hoping you can help me on my assignment. I am studying "The Black Book", and I'm kind of having trouble with figuring out exactly what the plot and theme of the story is. . .if you can help me with this, I would really really really appreciate it. Thanks.
posted evening of January 17th, 2010 by Mechelle
Hi Mechelle, well take a look at my posts on that book -- I hope you will find them useful. Good luck with the assignment!
posted evening of January 17th, 2010 by Jeremy
I did, and they are helping me alot, but I'm still unsure about the theme and plot.
posted evening of January 17th, 2010 by Mechelle
Hi, i have the honored to send you this message, let me introduce myself first. My name is Janar( It’s 贾娜尔 in chinese),i am a colleage studend from Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China~~ My major is comparative literature and world literature. I was attractted by Orhan Pamuk’s novel , and i decided to do some researches to him and his novel~~
By the way, i’m a kazak^^, and i focus on the clash of civilization in Orhan Pamuk’s novel, coz i have experience on this kinds of feeling.
I like to read ur blog, so i screwe up my courage to contact u~~ i hope we can mail each other and talk about the Orhan Pamuk’s novel~~
I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.
posted evening of February 27th, 2011 by Janar
Thanks Janar, it is good to hear from you.
posted morning of February 28th, 2011 by Jeremy
I stumbeled across your blog while looking up "who put the benzedrine in mrs. murphy's ovaltine" Roumer has it it's based on a true story Mrs Murphy being a landlady of a boarding house used by musicians. Anyhow that led me here and sometime later I find I'm still leafing trough your museings and enjoying it. So I just thought I should say Thanks from the west of Ireland.
posted morning of April 25th, 2011 by Fran Devenney
Hi Fran, thanks for the note! Whereabouts in western Ireland? I spent a little time around County Clare several years back, would go back there in a heartbeat.
posted morning of April 25th, 2011 by Jeremy
Hi Jeremy
We're in Leitrim not far from Carrick on Shannon. Music up here is mainly Irish Trad but we have a couple of great Bluegrass/Blues/old timey sessions I think you'd enjoy .
posted morning of April 26th, 2011 by Fran Devenney
Nice -- I remember going to an Irish traditional festival in Lisdoonvarna that was a lot of fun.
posted morning of April 26th, 2011 by Jer-o-me
nicely done, jeremy... i enjoyed it :)
posted evening of September third, 2011 by tony hunt
I admire & appreciate your work.. very serious, very educative.. thanx very much for the invitation
posted evening of September third, 2011 by Samira Naim Khoury
Hi Samira and Tony, glad to have you around!
posted evening of September third, 2011 by Jeremy
Picked up on your web site via Facebook, and am not surprised to see that you too are a fan of Kerouac, I read and reread his stuff all the time, except for "the Town and The Country" which I still haven't made it through. I love the rhythm of spontaneous associations and language riffs.
Cool site, man
posted evening of December third, 2011 by Ronnie Beck
Thanks, Ronnie -- nice to see you around here.
posted evening of December third, 2011 by Jeremy
Hi, do you know that, i'v just typed to check for domain available or not just for testing and found your page, 'n liked it.
posted evening of December 13th, 2011 by Vishal Bandre
Thanks, glad you like it.
posted morning of December 14th, 2011 by Jeremy
How have I not seen this page before? Oh well... You were better read than I when you came to my humble attempt at a high school English class 29 years ago... Brilliant work, as always... Though your fiddle is a delightful oddity...
posted morning of September 7th, 2013 by Mike Wollman
Hi Padre, nice to see you. Sort of a vanity press for myself...
posted morning of September 7th, 2013 by Jeremy
Your blog feels like home, like the blogs I knew before it all got so slick. Like disk jockeys before syndicated radio. Thanks for stopping by my site yesterday.
Are you often on the Potomac? I live within a mile of it, myself.
posted morning of April 27th, 2014 by Peter
Gosh, thanks! I'm flattered.
I live in NJ, occasionally make it down to DC.
posted afternoon of April 27th, 2014 by The Modesto Kid
I was looking for information about the Jessica Lange movie referred to in "Elizabeth Costello," and thanks to your post on the chapter, I found out what movie it was.
I've got a lot of post about Coetzee on my blog, and I'm currently teaching a seminar on "Elizabeth Costello" and it sources: Kafka's "Report to an Academy" and "Before the Law"; Tutuola's "Palm-Wine Drinkard"; Nagel's "What is it like to be a bat?"; the Rilke and Hughes poems discussed in chapter 4; Swift's "Modest Propoal"; West's "Very Rich Hours of Count von Stauffenberg" (of course); the Robert Duncan and Susan Mitchell poems referred to in chapter 7; the Hofmannsthal source for the postscript. I'm even having a colleague who is a "Ulysses" expert come in to talk about the connection to Molly Bloom. Anyway, thanks for the info about the Lange movie! (Which sounds terrible, actually; I watched the trailer and it looks really bad!)
posted morning of April 28th, 2014 by Andrew Shields
A friend's essay quoted Borges (copulation and mirrors) which brought me to Tlön from where I had to look up Quevedian, the word search of which pops you up at Google and provides a detailed, nuanced and coherent dialogue on Browne and Borges, enriching my day. Thank you!
posted evening of June 8th, 2014 by Grant
Hey, Jeremy! Procrastination got the best of me and I was looking for an English translation of the story we were supposed to read for my Spanish lit class (El Mono Que Quiso Ser Escritor SatÃrico), and I stumbled upon your site. I love it here (on the site), so I thought I'd let you know! :)
posted evening of February 9th, 2015 by Mykea
Well thanks very much! Glad you found it and that you are liking it. I have not been posting as much lately but I hope there is plenty in the archives to read.
posted morning of February 13th, 2015 by The Modesto Kid
Came across your site while searching for chords to Chad Mitchell Trio for "Tell Old Bill".
I'm glad I found the site.
posted evening of February 13th, 2015 by Ed Miller
Glad you did too. enjoy!
posted afternoon of February 14th, 2015 by The Modesto Kid
Hello! Congratulation for your website. I just wanted to share with you that I succesfully found out which painting Saramago is talking about in Chapter 1 of The Gospel. It's an incision by Albrecht Dürer, you can follow this link to see it.
I spent half an hour looking for it and you can't imagine how excited I was to find it just by writing some random keywords such as incision sun moon.
Maybe you can update your post so other English-speaking people can find the answer. I couldn't find it myself on English websites.
Best regards,
posted morning of April second, 2015 by Tommaso Querini
Excellent! thanks so much.
posted morning of April third, 2015 by The Modesto Kid
Thanks Tommaso -- I updated the original post.
posted evening of April third, 2015 by The Modesto Kid
Hey Jeremy. Found your site trying to google some Robyn Hitchcock chords (Lady Obvious). Didn't find the chords but I'm loving your site. It reminds me of the old days in the beginning of the World Wide Web.
How could I pass up the chance to sign a guestbook?!?
Hope you're well.
-Stranger named Ed
posted evening of July 23rd, 2018 by Edward
Glad to meet you, Ed, and thanks. Good luck in your search!
posted morning of July 25th, 2018 by Jeremy
hiya. i just found your blog today, after googling something about the moomins. looking through the stuff you posted here was really heartwarming. i hope you're doing well and having a lovely 2019!
posted morning of April 26th, 2019 by joey
Thanks Joey, glad to hear you liked it. Hope you're having a fine year as well.
posted afternoon of April 29th, 2019 by Jeremy Osner
I don't know how I am here or why I am here but all I know is I 'm supposed to be writing my exam!
posted morning of June 5th, 2019 by Caleb
posted evening of June 6th, 2019 by Jeremy Osner
LOL, I shoulda known. I was organizing the last few months' audio downloads, and I had a folder of the strangest compilation of songs without a note of explanation.... called "FeelAlright1", seemed like mostly americana and old-timey jazz, bookended by two Robyn Hitchcock tunes. I was like, what the hell is this? Searching my browser and download history was fruitless, I had no idea when or where I had gotten it... finally after waaaay too long Googling, I discovered the source. You musta posted about this on Feg. So, I stuck around and read a bit. Anyway, thanks for the amusement and the eclectic mix!
posted evening of October 21st, 2019 by Mike Qtips
Lolwow, thanks!
posted morning of October 22nd, 2019 by Jeremy Osner
Found your website while googling Altazor, since I am reading it for a class and have not been able to get my hands on a paper copy. I got swept away by the conversational, inviting tone of your writing and by the cool aesthetic of your site. Reading some of your posts makes me excited to read Altazor for myself...though I am a little nervous because brilliant poets such as Huidobro (& we read Neruda's "The Heights of Machu Picchu" before this) bring so much, I feel as though I am never "getting it" fully. I want to let go of this urge and read openly but it is challenging. Thanks for sharing your joy in reading it -- it's inspiring.
posted afternoon of April third, 2022 by Grace
I was searching for a map for The Stone Raft; wow, you may have just saved my grade!
posted evening of October 18th, 2024 by Sydney