The READIN Family Album
Happy together (Sept. 8, 2001)


Jeremy's journal

He'd had the sense, moments earlier, that Caroline was on the verge of accusing him of being "depressed," and he was afraid that if the idea that he was depressed gained currency, he would forfeit his right to his opinions. He would forfeit his moral certainties; every word he spoke would become a symptom of disease; he would never win an argument.

Jonathan Franzen

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🦋 They abide and they endure

"Night of the Hunter" is the movie that I have had in mind ever since I saw it 6 or 7 years ago at the American Museum of the Moving Image, as the archtypal confidence-man movie -- I could never remember the name of the movie though, just that it had Robert Mitchum going down the Mississippi [incorrect -- the river is actually the Ohio] conning widows. Tonight we watched the movie on video tape and it took about 5 minutes for it all to come flooding back. What a fantastic film.

posted evening of Sunday, May 29th, 2005
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