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(April 19, 2002)


Jeremy's journal

Dream is not a revelation. If a dream affords the dreamer some light on himself, it is not the person with closed eyes who makes the discovery but the person with open eyes lucid enough to fit thoughts together. Dream -- a scintillating mirage surrounded by shadows -- is essentially poetry.

Michel Leiris

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🦋 Working in Linux

All the code I'm writing at my new job is for Linux machines. My desktop computer is Windows but I spend most of my time ssh'ing to the servers. So, I'm learning how to use Unix. I've been using Cygwin for a long time on top of windows, so I'm using that for my ssh sessions. The transition is going really well -- here is what my environment looks like:

I'm running an X11 server on my desktop; /bin and /usr/X11R6/bin are both on Instead of starting Cygwin sessions using their provided batch file (on top of the Windows command prompt), I use xterm. If you're running xterm on a large screen, start it up with "-font 9x15". I use a Cygwin session as my home base for the computer, which is a huge improvement on always opening "Run" from the start menu when I want to start an application.

I put links to a lot of my favorite applications in the /jbin directory (also on the path); for some (like Notepad++), I put a shell script in /jbin which will reformat a file specified on the command line to DOS path format using cygpath. Other commands are aliased to xterm -e cmd &, so that they will open their own window; for instance all the server names that I use regularly are aliased to xterm -e ssh -Y server name &. It's working out really well; I would recommend it even if you don't primarily do Linux development -- it's making my Windows environment way more versatile and user-friendly. And learning how to write Bash scripts is great.

posted evening of Friday, February 9th, 2007


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