🦋 Interval
Here is a bash script to determine the interval between two date/times. Parameters are two dates, specified using any format the date utility can recognize; if the second parameter is omitted, "now" is assumed. Output is the number of seconds between the two, followed by "d h:m:s" format. #!/bin/bash if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo Usage: `basename $0` \ \[\\ default \"now\"\] >&2 exit -1 fi start=`date +%s -d "$1"` if [ $# -eq 1 ] then fin=`date +%s` else fin=`date +%s -d "$2"` fi res=`expr $fin - $start` if [ $res -lt 0 ] then res=`expr 0 - $res` fi echo $res sec d=`expr $res / 86400` t=`expr $res % 86400` h=`expr $t / 3600` ms=`expr $t % 3600` m=`expr $ms / 60` s=`expr $ms % 60` if [ $d -gt 0 ] then echo -n $d day if [ $d -gt 1 ] then echo -n s fi echo -n \ fi if [ $t -gt 0 ] then echo -n $h\: if [ $m -lt 10 ] then echo -n 0 fi echo -n $m if [ $s -gt 0 ] then echo -n \: if [ $s -lt 10 ] then echo -n 0 fi echo -n $s fi fi echo
posted evening of Sunday, March 11th, 2007 ➳ More posts about Programming ➳ More posts about Programming Projects ➳ More posts about Projects
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