🦋 Ocarina
Sylvia played "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" on her new ocarina today! That was quick. Not quite right yet -- it sounds to me like the ocarina must be tonic, maybe in C, and Sylvia is trying to play in D (not in A, because "there isn't a E-1" -- she is referring to all the notes as string + finger). So a couple of notes are off -- I need to look more closely at it and show her what the key is. Still, quick progress! Update: no, I'm wrong -- the instrument is diatonic. But Sylvia doesn't really get sharps and flats yet, she is probably playing all naturals, diagrams for which are grouped together at the top of the page. If she's interested I will explain that to her; but I expect she is going to want to figure it out on her own.
posted afternoon of Wednesday, December 26th, 2007 ➳ More posts about Music ➳ More posts about Sylvia