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That's the trouble with being innocent, you don't know what really happened.

Tomek Zaleska

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Sunday, February 13th, 2011

🦋 Cryptic, ageless

Coincidence? I've been seeing a lot of links lately to information about the Voynich manuscript. The latest is a story about physicist Greg Hodgins of the University of Arizona, who has dated the document to the 15th Century, 100 years older than it was previously thought to be. Thanks for the link, Peter!

For a high-quality, page by page scan of the manuscript, visit Yale's Beinecke Rare Book Library Voynich Manuscript site, and click on the "page by page" link at the top of the page.

Borrowed Beams of Light's Kickstarter project is still going on -- they're nearly a third of the way to their goal!

posted evening of February 13th, 2011: Respond
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Wednesday, February second, 2011

🦋 Borrowed Beams of Light

Ryan of Rock and Wry* is in a band called Borrowed Beams of Light; they are soliciting donations to help produce their first full-length record. And that's not all! The tunes on this record will be "loosely based on a 500 year old, vellum manuscript known as The Voynich Manuscript." Far out, I can't wait to hear! Go pledge. $10 gets you a record when it's ready, $25 gets you a record when it's ready plus their previous short-format CD.

* (Which I am happy and puzzled to discover is a 2-drummer blog)

posted afternoon of February second, 2011: Respond
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Friday, June 5th, 2009

🦋 Precursors of the Codex Seraphinianus

So I happened in today's XKCD upon the knowledge that Codex Seraphinianus is not the only or the first such book, written in an invented language and alphabet -- I mean I suspected vaguely that there were other similar books, but the cartoon gave me the name of one, and the Wikipædia article on that one gave me some more names. Best thing: at the bottom of that article is a link to a complete download of the Voynich manuscript, scanned in at pretty high quality.

Update: Some thoughts from about decoding the Voynich manuscript.

posted evening of June 5th, 2009: Respond
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