The READIN Family Album
(April 19, 2002)


Jeremy's journal

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.

— Sir Francis Bacon

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Sunday, May 10th, 2020

🦋 Nametag Rag

From The Modesto Kid and his Imaginary Ragtime Ensemble,

Score beneath the fold

posted evening of May 10th, 2020: Respond
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Monday, April 13th, 2020

🦋 Rainy Day Woman

posted morning of April 13th, 2020: Respond
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Sunday, April 12th, 2020

🦋 Arrangements

A couple of songs from the Imaginary Ragtime Ensemble.

Imaginary String Band appearing courtesy of Noteflight

posted evening of April 12th, 2020: Respond
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Sunday, March 29th, 2020

🦋 Now

here, now
here, now
here, now
here, now
here, now

posted afternoon of March 29th, 2020: Respond
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Reread. Go back. The letters,
Static, swerve, collide;
Your mental notes,
Your scribbled annotations
Useless now, incomprehensible;
Crystal edifice of abstraction brought low.

posted morning of March 29th, 2020: Respond
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Tuesday, March third, 2020

🦋 worn away

I am not making much headway with understanding the rest of the poem, but this image from Ernesto Mejía Sánchez' "Long Play/Boleros" leaps off the page at me:

TU ROSTRO se borra como el de la moneda en las yemas
    del avaro

YOUR FEATURES worn away like those of the face of a coin
     in a miser's fist

posted evening of March third, 2020: Respond
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Sunday, February 9th, 2020

🦋 Broad Street Sunset

a demo recording of my latest song--

posted afternoon of February 9th, 2020: Respond
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Wednesday, January first, 2020

Blocky capital letters
of flame
in retro fonts imagined:
fluid flaming fonts, canvas of blacky void
so melt away their meanings
so what's left amounts
to glyphic shapes, just shapes and sounds
and chunky, palpable
consonantal feel.

posted morning of January first, 2020: Respond

Friday, December 27th, 2019

🦋 A set of original tunes for the open mic

I've been practicing for the open mic on Monday at Hat City Kitchen, where I'll be playing cello and singing. I was pretty satisfied with my plan to play "Tombstone Blues", "The Raven Rag", and "Jagged Nickel", but then I thought why not make it all originals. I decided I can sing "Rainy Day Woman", so I'm going to open with that.

Sylvia is planning to come along, and assuming she does, I will ask her to film the set. I've invited several people -- this is just about the first time I've done that for an open mic. Real Tom said he will come, and John from Traficantes also said he may. Jerry will try to make it.

The songs are all in G*. Oh well, I haven't got a huge range vocally. Also it is easy key (G minor*) to improvise in on the cello.

I made a couple of changes in "The Raven", the bird is now going to have "he" pronoun instead of "she" and is "a jet-black bird" rather than "pretty". If I can make it work, the last two verses will be a good deal slower than the rest of the song and with extra measure on the first and third line. (Similar to Richard Fariña's version in "The Falcon".)

I am hoping there will be a bass player there who wants to back me up and can work out/follow my changes, they are quite simple but I don't have a chord sheet to give.

*...Wait no, duh, D minor! Not G -- I've been rehearsing these songs in G but I can sing them much better in D. Glad I realized this today (Sunday) & not tomorrow.

posted afternoon of December 27th, 2019: 1 response

Saturday, December 21st, 2019

🦋 the raven rag

the "the raven" rag for tin-can cello:

posted evening of December 21st, 2019: Respond
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