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I John 3:18

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Saturday, February 19th, 2011

🦋 Beesten op het strand

Crabfu Artworks presents a walking machine powered by Princess, a pet Roborovski Dwarf Hamster -- huge fun and quite confusing for the Crabfu cat... The machine is a miniature version of Theo Jansen's Strandbeest PVC pipe creations which wander the beaches of Holland. Here is a 3sat Kulturzeit program on Jansen and his creatures:

posted afternoon of February 19th, 2011: Respond

Friday, February 18th, 2011

🦋 Eating the Lifestyle, Livin' the Dream

I laugh hard every time I look at this billboard modification of Banksy's, from Sunset Boulevard:(via The Wooster Collective)

(The original billboard is advertising a restaurant/nightclub chain in Las Vegas)

...Inside the Movies reports on Banksy's trouble with the Academy.

posted morning of February 18th, 2011: Respond
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Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

🦋 Arresting Visuals

All the adjectives that come to mind when I seek to describe the photography of Geert Goiris are gerunds of transitive verbs -- "Stunning"; "spell-binding"; "transfixing"... Make of that what you will as I am not sure what to make of it. Goiris describes her style as "traumatic realism".

posted evening of February 16th, 2011: Respond

Saturday, February 5th, 2011

🦋 Three Thoths

Here are three pictures I took while Sylvia and I were looking at the Egyptian exhibit at the Met this afternoon.

This is from the beginning of a long scroll, it stretched across a full wall. I am in general not careful about reading labels in museums, so cannot tell you much about the scroll.*
Ibis-headed Thoth, facing himself in the center column, is the god credited with the invention of language and writing -- an appropriate frontspiece for the document.

Three small Thoths** are grouped together here:
In addition to an ibis' head the god may be depicted with a baboon's head. The ibis in the middle, watching over his likeness, must be related.

I felt lucky to spot this relief on the way out of the museum:

Just breathtaking. I had not been to see this exhibit in quite a while; indeed this may be the first time I ever really gave it any of the attention it deserves. Very happy about Sylvia's newly blossoming interest in mythology and ancient cultures.

*(added) Aha! But they have much of the metadata online. I think it was likely a papyrus belonging to the Priest of Horus, Imhotep.

**These are: Striding Thoth, Thoth as Ibis, and Figure of a Cynocæphalus Ape.

posted evening of February 5th, 2011: Respond
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Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

🦋 [This link is probably best viewed in full screen]

(It probably helps not to adopt too rigorous an understanding of the term "nothing" in this game.)

posted evening of January 26th, 2011: 1 response

🦋 Pre-historic Migration

Another animal that migrated across the Bering land bridge and east and south throughout the Americas and eventually down as far as Chile: the polyommatus butterfly. Dr. Naomi Pierce of Harvard et al. have vindicated Nabokov's hypothesis regarding the introduction of this genus of butterfly to the Americas, as Carl Zimmer reports today for the NY Times. The slideshow attached to the article has to be seen to be believed.

Below the fold, a piece from The Art of Resurrection that came to mind as I was reading this article. (I have that book on my brain now...)

posted afternoon of January 26th, 2011: Respond
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Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

🦋 Unknitting, reknotting

I found this lovely anagram at neatorama -- it's the work of Torontonians Micah Lexier and Christian Bök. Among other things, Bök has written Eunoia (2001), consisting of five univocalic chapters and some poetry.

posted evening of January 25th, 2011: Respond

Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

🦋 La mano del desierto

(found in Dorfman's Desert Memories)

Up ahead, to one side of the route, is a gigantic granite hand thrusting up from a slight mound in the desert. Yes, I did say a granite hand and I did say gigantic -- towering twenty or thirty meters high -- a smoth rock statue, this Mano, erected here in 1992 by the Chilean sculptor Mario Irrarrázaval as a way of commemorating the presence of humans on this land, both the Europeans who had arrived in 1492 and those who had made the journey so many millenia before Columbus.

Our answer to the desert, that hand.

For more, see Karl Fabricius' writeup of the Hand of the Desert at Environmental Graffiti, with photography from Wikimedia Commons and Flickr.

posted afternoon of January 23rd, 2011: Respond
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Saturday, January 15th, 2011

🦋 Снегопад

So far this winter, we've had a big snow-storm at the end of December and a much smaller snow-storm this week. The snow is icy on the ground now, a cold white blanket for the yards and parks of South Orange.

cleek links to the Guramdolart gallery in Russia, with some lovely pencil drawings of Imereti, Georgia, under the fallen snow.

posted evening of January 15th, 2011: Respond

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

🦋 Flabbergasted

Thanks to Jen Mandel at The Great Whatsit for linking to this marvelous video of Morgan and Destiny's Eleventeenth Date:

And there, costumated as a monochromatic rarebear,
Stood the food-penguin, lemon-faced as ever.
The duo partook in a pair of pink fluff-puffs;
Destiny masticated her sugar-stick saxifragously,
Leaving Morgan haberdashed.
Sort of like "Happy the Golden Prince" maybe? Dramatically different from the every-day at any rate.

posted evening of January 12th, 2011: Respond
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