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When he woke up, the dinosaur was still there.

Augusto Monterroso

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Saturday, May 5th, 2012

🦋 Greens and amber

I got a nice, impressionistic photo in the course of this morning's bike ride (up to West Orange, down to Millburn, up through the Reservation and meet Ellen on top of South Mountain) -- a street light on South Orange Ave. under the cloudy sky.

posted morning of May 5th, 2012: Respond
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Saturday, April 21st, 2012

🦋 The lie that helps us see the truth

Edward O. Wilson's article for Harvard Magazine on the biological origins of the arts includes the startling insight that metaphor can be seen as a way of compensating for the limited range of human senses. (Thanks for the link, Joe!)

posted morning of April 21st, 2012: Respond

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

🦋 Lakes of Titan

Ladies and gentlemen, courtesy of Sylvia researching her science class paper, I give you the lakes of Titan:

posted evening of April 17th, 2012: Respond
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Sunday, April 15th, 2012

🦋 Martha Takes Times Square

Everybody needs to go look at Martha's splendid images -- they're on display over at Artists Wanted -- you can click a button to collect the Appalachian murder ballads and lakes of fire she paints, and help the images win a trip to Times Square, to the big screens!

posted afternoon of April 15th, 2012: Respond

🦋 Flores preciosas

Jorge López captures a moment in September:

posted morning of April 15th, 2012: Respond

Friday, March 30th, 2012

🦋 I can't stop cracking up, every time I hear myself say

"This is an old tune called The Red-Haired Boy".

Playing fiddle and putting together a slide show with some of ragebunny's designs. This tune seems almost infinitely pliable!

Update -- you can hear the whole gory thing here.

posted evening of March 30th, 2012: 5 responses
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Saturday, March 24th, 2012

🦋 At the end of our little universe

In honor of the man's birthday: here is one of my favorite Ferlinghetti poems.

The Painter's Dream

(from These are My Rivers)

I'm with Picasso and "Fernande in a Black Mantilla" looking tragic with turpentine like rain running down her shoulder
And I'm in Pontoise with Pisarro
And with Gauguin in "The Vanilla Grove"
And in the "Mountains of St. Remy" with Van Gogh
And at "The Bend in the Road through the Forest" with Cézanne
And with Vuillard in "The Place Vintimille"
And with Picasso and "El Loco" and his blue acrobats
And with Picasso shaking his fist at the sky in "Guernica"
And I'm Durer's Steeple-jack seen by Marianne Moore
And those harpies "The Demoiselles of Avignon" are glaring at me personally
And Degas' ballet dancers are dancing for Matisse and Monet and Renoir and all the Sunday painters of Paris and John Sloane and all the Sunday painters of America and most of the painters of the Hudson River School floating along so calm and holding hands with most of the West Coast Figurative painters and their Have a Nice Day cohorts
But I'm also with Malevich in his "Red Square" in the Beautiful Corner
And with Delacroix' "Liberty Leading the Masses"
And with Goya's groaning masses in "The Disasters of War"
And I'm rocking across the Atlantic with "Whistler's Mother"
And I'm crossing the Delaware with Washington standing in the boat against Navy regulations
And I'm with Bierstadt crossing the Rockies on a mule
And with Motherwell and DeKooning and Kline and Pollock and Larry Rivers in the broken light in the shaken light of the late late late twentieth century
And then I'm walking through a huge exhibition in the Whole World Museum of Art containing all the greatest paintings of the entire fine arts tradition of all the centuries of western civilization
When suddenly a wild-haired band bursts into the Museum and starts spraying paint-solvent onto all the paintings
And all the paint in all the paintings starts to run down onto the floors of all the galleries forming fantastic new and exciting images of the end of our little universe
And elite curators in Gucci shoes rush in and cut up the painted floors and hang them on the walls while picturesque bohemian painters in berets stagger through the halls weeping

posted afternoon of March 24th, 2012: 3 responses
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🦋 Stone Age Comix Page

Jan Magne Gjerde of the Tromsø University Museum has discovered some fascinating Stone Age art, at Lake Kanozero in northern Russia. Read about his findings at Science Nordic, with pictures of the etchings and of Gjerde's tracings.

via Orbis Quintus, where badger has been linking some great stories lately.

posted morning of March 24th, 2012: Respond
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Friday, March 23rd, 2012

posted evening of March 23rd, 2012: Respond
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Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

🦋 What? No Love & Rockets?!!!

A mix tape from Jaime Hernandez!

via The Hooded Utilitarian -- also, some great writing from Manga artist Deb Aoki on how the Bros. Hernandez influenced her work and her worldview: From Hoppers to Honolulu.

posted evening of March 14th, 2012: Respond
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