The READIN Family Album
Me and Ellen and a horse (July 20, 2007)


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One never stops reading, though books come to an end, just as one never stops living, even though death is a certainty.

Roberto Bolaño

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🦋 Fiddle Songbook

Latest addition to my repertory is "Billy in the Lowground," which I've been wanting to learn ever since I saw the Ether Frolic Mob playing it. Here are two takes:

Billy in the Lowground

by The Modesto Kid

Billy in the Lowground (alternate take)

by The Modesto Kid

Here, in no particular order, are the songs I know well enough to think of them as my repertory (excluding numerous songs like "Crawdad Hole" and "Uncle Joe, Uncle Joe" which, while I can play a pretty nice instrumental version, I think of as songs to sing. These are just the songs that I identify primarily as fiddle tunes.) Criteria for this list is, I have to know the melody by heart (after maybe a glance at the music) and be able to play it easily with improvisation over the melody and be able to cover up for myself ifwhen I make a mistake.

  • The Red-Haired Boy
  • The Sailor's Hornipe
  • The Devil's Dream
  • Bill Cheetham
  • The Halting March
  • Harvest Home
  • The Boys of Bluehill
  • The Growling Old Man and the Carping Old Woman
  • The Road to Lisdoonvarna
  • The Irish Washerwoman
  • The Swallowtail Jig
  • East Tennessee Blues
  • Billy in the Lowground
  • Soldier's Joy
  • Whiskey Before Breakfast
  • The Modesto Kid
  • Jeremy's Breakdown
  • Drowsy Maggie
  • Bonaparte's Retreate/ Bonaparte Crossing the Rhine/ Bonaparte Crossing the Rocky Mountains

Two new songs to learn, that I printed out music for today: "St. Anne's Reel" and "Ragtime Annie".

posted morning of Sunday, April 29th, 2012
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