The READIN Family Album
Me and Sylvia, walkin' down the line (May 2005)


Jeremy's journal

Improvement makes straight roads; but the crooked roads without improvement are roads of genius.

— William Blake

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🦋 Let's listen to Mountain Station

So I'm hereby formalizing what's been going on for the past couple of weeks -- Every time John and I practice this year I want to tape it and upload some highlights to you tube...

This week's session was a lot of fun, although the placement of the tripod and the lighting arrangement could both have been a little, even a lot, better. A rockin jam -- the best part was when John forgot to bring our gig book -- and I'm getting better at editing the tape.

The title track is from Kimberley Rew's wonderful Tunnel into Summer.

Set listing-

Prodigal Son (take 2)
Stop Breakin Down
Arms of Love (Robyn Hitchcock)
Harvest Home
My Bonnie jam in D
Little Ditches (Mike Cross)
The Sailor's Hornpipe
Simple Pleasures (Kimberley Rew)

posted morning of Sunday, February 24th, 2013
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Link it if yas like it, folx! And like us on face book.

posted morning of February 24th, 2013 by Jeremy

Interesting thing about taping practices is it nudges you to treat every session as a dress rehearsal. This could go either way but for us, it seems to be working out very nicely.

posted morning of February 24th, 2013 by Jeremy


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