Saturday, December 14th, 2013
I was briefly in touch with Roberto Bolaño's literary agent over the idea of my publishing Teach me to dance... The answer as it turns out is unsurprisingly "No, the estate has other plans for his early poetry" -- oh well, it was fun anyway to have that contact.
posted morning of December 14th, 2013: 1 response ➳ More posts about Translation
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Monday, December second, 2013
posted evening of December second, 2013: Respond ➳ More posts about Roberto Bolaño
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Another Infrarealist poem: this is by Guadalupe Ochoa, one of the few female Infrarealists.
The Domestication of Lightning
by Guadalupe Ochoa/ tr. Jeremy Osner
the lightning of touch announces
the downpour engendered in our embrace
fiery water of our bodies
posted morning of December second, 2013: 1 response ➳ More posts about Writing Projects
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Friday, November 29th, 2013
Here is a poem of Bolaño's from Pájaro de calor. (It is quoted in Hiram Barrios' fabulous essay on the infra poets, Visitando al infrarrealismo.)
Teach me to dance
by Roberto Bolaño/ tr. Jeremy Osner
to draw my fingers through the cottoncandy clouds
to stretch out my legs tangled up in your legs...
(translation redacted, write me if you'd like to see it)
posted evening of November 29th, 2013: 1 response ➳ More posts about Readings
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Ampersan: this is Orlando Guillén's "ABCD", from Muchachos desnudos.
posted evening of November 29th, 2013: Respond ➳ More posts about Music
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Sunday, November 24th, 2013
Once son ellos, once, ferozmente poetas:
Hernán, Roberto y Montané, chilenos;
el ecuatoriano Nieto Cadena;
de la patria de Sandino: Beltrán Morales;
el peruano Enrique Verástegui,
el también peruano Jorge Pimente;
Luis SuardÃaz, del primer teerritorio
libre en América: Cuba, cubanamente;
más tres meshicas que son, qué remedio,
Orlando Guillén, ¡impresente!,
Mario en el camino de Santiago
y Julián Gómez... once son, pues,
y, ¿se fijaron?, ni una sola hembrita,
con tan buenas, guapamente sabrosas que son
y que escriben como Afroditas que surgieran
no de un pantanoso taller literario
sino de un bárbaro océano de pantalones de mezclilla.
--EfraÃn Huerta
It's eleven, eleven, ferociously poets:
Hernán, Roberto and Montané from Chile;
Ecuadorian Nieto Cadena;
from the land of Sandino, Beltrán Morales;
Peruvian Enrique Verástegui,
and Peruvian too, Jorge Pimente;
Luis SuardÃaz, from the first-ever free
territory of the Americas: Cuba, Cubanly;
and there's three Meshicas, what else can I say,
Orlando Guillén, absent!,
Mario on the road to Santiago,
and Julián Gómez... so they're eleven,
and notice? Not a single chick,
for all the lovely, sweet things out there
that write like Aphrodites sprung
not from some fetid literary workshop
but from a savage ocean of blue jeans.
posted afternoon of November 24th, 2013: Respond ➳ More posts about Projects
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 Early poetry from Bolaño and comrade infras. I'm now reading and translating Hiram Barrios' fantastic essay on Infrarealism from Cuadrivio.net, Visitando al infrarrealismo.
posted morning of November 24th, 2013: Respond
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Monday, January 9th, 2012
via Bifurcaria bifurcata: Argentine sculptor Amalia Pica speaks with the Dalston Literary Review about a series of sculptures inspired by Juan GarcÃa Madero's reference to catachresis in the final section of Savage Detectives.
 Catachresis #8 (head of the nail, teeth of the comb, eye of the needle, head of the screw)
posted morning of January 9th, 2012: Respond
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Sunday, January 8th, 2012
The Infrarrealismo FB page today features some grade-school photos of Mario Santiago Papasquiaro:
posted evening of January 8th, 2012: Respond
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Wednesday, January 4th, 2012
Jenny Volvoski is an artist with a very cool project: To design one or more covers for each book she reads, as she reads it. Check out her blog From Cover to Cover to see what she's come up with so far. (via Richard of Caravana de recuerdos, who reminds us that the Savage Detectives group read is coming up)
posted evening of January 4th, 2012: Respond ➳ More posts about Pretty Pictures
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