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Disbelief is more resistant than faith because it is sustained by the senses.

Gabriel García Márquez

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Saturday, September 21st, 2013

🦋 If you know time

⇐Anyone think this refers to this?⇒

posted morning of September 21st, 2013: Respond
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🦋 52X5

It is International Book Week; the rules of the game are to post the 5th sentence of the the 52nd page of the book nearest you -- no deviation will be accepted, wise guy. You're not to mention the title of the book nor its author. Anyway, here are some statuses from some friends of mine and me.

"We know that we have introduced a change of direction in his course which is already carrying him out of his orbit around the Enemy; but he must be made to imagine that all the choices which have effected this change of course are trivial and revocable."

"Such objections should be made in writing to the District Office Center, Berlin C2, Klosterstraße 68, Room 76, or be made orally before the Registrar."

"In case you wish to curtail your sugar intake, visualize all refined starchy foods as sources of sugar."

"I head to a stall where a merchant has mugwump meat turning on a spit."

"Keep watch to see which birds, if any, continue to visit the suet you're serving."

Elsewhere, discussion of the Council of Elders of the IBWists scowling in their secluded lair as they pore over the submissions attentive to strict adherence to the rules...

posted morning of September 21st, 2013: Respond
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🦋 Analogies for Time

(Note I posted a revision in comments that I think is a much better poem)

by Jeremy Osner

Think of time as a river of events
think of time simply as a river: Events the features
of the landscape the river flows through.
The river erodes the landscape. The landscape
is formed, created, given shape
by the river. Analogies for time.
Time shapes you but does not abide, abiding
that's an action to be taken. Swim upstream.
The analogy here is imperfect. Swim
upstream/ float/ swim downstream/ bob
in the current.
The surface of the river.
The landscape here is reality
in its spacial dimensions
as they may appertain
picking a scab
Reality cannot be---
analogized because the analogy chosen
must of necessity itself be a part of reality
cannot get a foothold, perspective
outside it
Picturing reality
mapping reality
Map is analogy
Cartographer/ poet. Poems, their varying
degrees of realism, they blossom forth:
construct a universe immaculate
in conception
corrupt in execution
a map
which deconstructs/ creates the world
around you reader, "pulls you in",
so to speak. You scratch your head
and look up at the clock,
your eye zooms in
on a fly that's buzzing around the 7.
It's half past 8 and down the street
a dog is barking.

posted morning of September 21st, 2013: 3 responses
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Sunday, September 15th, 2013

🦋 Mr. Green

Hm, cool: looks like my first attempt at using a Kindle (my daughter's) will be the new novelette (31 pp. Nice -- it might even be something I can read all of today!) from Marta Aponte. Mr. Green -- set at least in part in the Bronx, an area I have some acquaintance with. I am downloading it as we speak.

posted morning of September 15th, 2013: Respond
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Friday, September 13th, 2013

🦋 Bleeding Edge

Just a few more days! I can hardly wait. Check out Jonathan Lethem's review for the NY Times.

posted evening of September 13th, 2013: 1 response
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Thursday, September 12th, 2013

🦋 Summertime fiddle

posted evening of September 12th, 2013: Respond
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Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

🦋 Rolling east across Hudson Co.

headed in to work

posted evening of September 11th, 2013: Respond
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by Jeremy Osner

The dead of 9/11
are photographed
and silent
and the crater they fell into long since filled
with detritus of 21st C. dreams in America
and ragged strips of newsprint
without any columns of ink,
they're blank and they're torn. and the
names of the dead
scroll by beneath the image
of America.

posted evening of September 11th, 2013: Respond
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Saturday, September 7th, 2013

🦋 2 rostros asémicos

posted evening of September 7th, 2013: Respond
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🦋 ejercicio en la forma pronominal

por Jeremy Osner

Dream is not a revelation. If a dream affords the dreamer some light on himself, it is not the person with closed eyes who makes the discovery but the person with open eyes lucid enough to fit thoughts together. Dream — a scintillating mirage surrounded by shadows — is essentially poetry.
El sueño no es revelación. Si al soñador un sueño lo permitería ahorrar algún luz sobre si mismo, no realice ese descubrimiento la persona de ojos cerrados sino la de ojos abiertos y lúcidos suficientamente para los pensamientos juntos a unirse. El sueño —entre las sombras chispea el miraje— en su esencia es poesía.

Michel Leiris

Se debe escribir en una lengua que no sea materna.

You must write in a language not your own.

Vicente Huidobro

posted morning of September 7th, 2013: Respond
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