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Miguel de Unamuno

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Saturday, September 15th, 2012

🦋 Let's Listen to

Pretty Peggy-O:

Las Vegas, June 26th 1994.

posted afternoon of September 15th, 2012: 3 responses
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Saturday, June 30th, 2012

🦋 Let's Listen to

"You'se a Viper" by Stuff Smith Harlem Hamfats [wow! I always thought this was originally a Stuff Smith tune! He was covering Hamfats] -- this is Dale Burleyson and the 4th St. NiteOwls performing a truly spectacular cover version. Dig the washboard, dig the pedal steel and clarinet solos -- fast forward to 20:30:
Or really, don't -- watch the whole concert, get a "Viper" treat midway in. This is the NiteOwls performing a year ago at Barbes -- tonight Ellen and I are going to see them at Tierney's. Can't wait! They are opening for Ruby on the Vine, whose new album is included in the admission.

posted afternoon of June 30th, 2012: Respond
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Sunday, June 24th, 2012

🦋 Have you seen the well-to-do, up on Lenox Avenue...

Let's listen to Puttin' on the Ritz.

Bunch of versions at the link, mostly brand-new to me. Check em out! Sheet music here.

posted evening of June 24th, 2012: Respond

Saturday, January 14th, 2012

🦋 Rag Mama Rag -- Kweskin, Muldaur, Helm

Jim Kweskin and the Jug Band is the group that got me listening to old-time music. Not the first old-time I listened to, certainly; but when I heard Maria d'Amato (who would marry the group's banjo player and become one of the great popular music voices of the 60's and 70's as Maria Muldaur) sing "Richland Woman Blues" -- this was in the late 90's sometime, after I had come home from a Christmas visit to my parents with a cassette dub of two records, Jug Band Music and See Reverse Side for Title -- was a signal moment for me, it was when I knew what kind of music I wanted to play, what I wanted to sound like.

It was fun to happen on that Wyos cover of "Rag Mama Rag" last night -- that was one of the first songs I learned to play when I was taking lessons in finger-style guitar from Eric Frandsen. I've added a couple of tracks to the end of my You Ain't Goin Nowhere playlist, ending up with The Band's song "Rag Mama Rag". And re. The Band, exciting news! Ellen and I are going to see Levon Helm's Midnight Ramble at the Wellmont Theater on Friday the 10th.

Update: Midnight Ramble show in Montclair is postponed until April.

posted morning of January 14th, 2012: 1 response

Friday, January 13th, 2012

🦋 Let's Listen to

the utterly amazing percussion solo(s) in this utterly amazing "Rag Mama Rag" cover, from The Wyos -- Live @ Pete's Candy Store in Brooklyn, NY on November 4, 2004:

("Let's listen to" posting format inspired by cleek, who comes through today with a Quick One While He's Away)

posted evening of January 13th, 2012: 2 responses

Friday, January 6th, 2012

🦋 Notify my next of kin

Found (with some help from Mr. Huddell and Mr. Berman) some fantastic versions of two songs from The Basement Tapes.
  • Joan Baez, "You Ain't Goin Nowhere"
  • The Byrds, "You Ain't Goin Nowhere"
  • The Byrds, "This Wheel's on Fire"
  • Dylan and the Band, "This Wheel's on Fire"
  • Dylan and the Band, "You Ain't Goin Nowhere"
  • The Rave-Ups, "You Ain't Goin Nowhere"
  • Robyn Hitchcock and the Venus 3, "Olé Tarantula"
  • Robyn Hitchcock, "You Ain't Goin Nowhere"
  • Julie Driscoll, "This Wheel's on Fire"
  • Julie Driscoll, "The Season of the Witch"
I compiled a video playlist of most of these songs on YouTube -- particularly recommend checking out the almost hallucinatory quality of the two The Byrds versions and the really striking fan video for the Rave-Ups' version. And the Venus 3 number, while it strays a bit from the theme of the playlist, fits in quite nicely and fits into a broader playlist theme of "Songs I would wish to cover". (Plus some bonus tracks added, if you listen to the end...)

posted evening of January 6th, 2012: Respond
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Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

🦋 It's just Norwegian speed

At Norway's Cafe Mono, Robyn Hitchcock reminisces on his first visit to Norway, on tour with the Egyptians in 1982, and the years since then. Morris Windsor posts a cover of "The End", live in Oslo in '82, the "culmination of one of the weirdest tours ever" -- "The closing remarks contain the seeds of 2009's Goodnight Oslo."

posted evening of October 25th, 2011: Respond
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Sunday, March 20th, 2011

🦋 Pushing Forty

Happy Birthday to Rex Broome! Broome is the singer and guitarist for Skates & Rays. On his 39th birthday last year he covered Velvet Underground's "I'm Waiting for the Man"; today he covers his own tune "Pushing Forty". In between he has recorded one cover version for every day of his fortieth year of life, and/or leaned on friends to contribute their own cover versions. I'm impressed, and gratified to have played my own small part.

posted morning of March 20th, 2011: Respond
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Sunday, February 20th, 2011

🦋 Mountain House

Thanks to Rex Broome and to neighbor Dan Rosen for introducing me to House. My recording with Dan of Saint Etienne's "Stoned, to say the least" will appear on Rex's 39-40 Covers project tomorrow. A lot of fun playing and recording this, it seems like almost the perfect music for me -- repetitive improvisation over a fixed beat is about my favorite violin activity...

What a fortuitous coincidence, to have connected with Dan at the same time Rex asked me to cover Saint Etienne! I met Dan last December, at Woody and Lisa's Solistice party; and two weeks ago we started taking the same train in to the city for work, and talking about music as we ride in. So it seemed like a natural thing to ask Dan for help with this cover; he came through in a big way!

(Update: Post #2500 for this humble blog! Halfway there, woo-hoo!)

posted evening of February 20th, 2011: Respond
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Saturday, January 29th, 2011

🦋 January is a good month for mixes.

I am greatly enjoying New Year's mixes from Steve of Hot Rox Avec Lying Sweet Talk and from Tim W. of The Great Whatsit. Steve's is a mix of his favorite cover versions of the past few years. Mostly new listening for me, and most of the tunes are ones I'm familiar with. I always find it exciting to hear new takes on songs I love. And Tim's is a list of new songs from this year, almost none of which I've heard before or even heard of.

Here is my contribution to the disk-jockeying fray:

    Los once: Jeremy's 2011 Mix

  1. "Hanohano Hawai'i" -- Sol Ho'opi'i's Novelty Trio
  2. "I Wouldn't Mind Dying" -- The Carter Family
  3. "I Love You Because" -- Ernie Tubb
  4. "You Met Your Match" -- Stevie Wonder
  5. "I Watch the Cars" -- Robyn Hitchcock
  6. "Starvation Blues" -- Big Bill Broonzy
  7. "Movin Day" -- The Holy Modal Rounders
  8. "Little Birdie" -- The Stanley Bros.
  9. "Ain't Misbehavin" -- Stéphane Grappelli
  10. "Belly Full of Arms and Legs" -- Robyn Hitchcock
  11. "Sikiliza" -- The Lafayette Afro Band
  12. "Pretty Polly" -- B.F. Shelton
  13. "Rock of Ages" -- Christian Kiefer
  14. "Sing You Sinners" -- Fletcher Henderson
  15. "Burning Up" -- Mutiny
  16. "Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues" -- Bob Dylan
  17. "I Know You Rider" -- The Grateful Dead
  18. "Famous Blue Raincoat" -- Leonard Cohen
  19. "Kanes Blues" -- The Kanek Hawai'ians
These are all songs I connect with discovering a new musical interest -- some quite recently, some in memory over the years as far back as high school. I hope everyone has a good, eventful year in 2011, gets to enjoy plenty of newly discovered and long-nurtured interests.

I haven't quite ironed out all the tagging issues with the mp3s of these songs. I will post a link in comments later on when I get the tape together.

posted afternoon of January 29th, 2011: 1 response
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