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A good book is the precious lifeblood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life.

John Milton

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🦋 Inside Man

I just got back from watching Inside Man with Ellen. (Sylvia is away at her first sleep-over! Yay!) It was a good movie -- I thought so anyways, Ellen was not as happy with it. Which is funny in a way, because I went there prepared not to like it and Ellen was predisposed to enjoy it, I think -- it was her choice of movie, and she likes Spike -- whereas I have never (before tonight) watched a Spike Lee joint that I enjoyed without reservation.

I think the crux of our difference in opinion, was the plausibility of the story. Neither of us found the plot to be very believable; for Ellen this interfered with her focussing on the movie, but not for me. I was able just to open up and let the movie pour into me unfiltered, and I loved it. Will it stay with me? Not sure. But it was an excellent movie viewing experience.

posted afternoon of Saturday, April first, 2006
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