🦋 Bright Stupid Confetti
Today at Paul Habeeb's Latest Research, I find a link to the site of Jim Kazanjian -- whose otherworldly photography makes me think of nothing so much as of Escher, as if Escher had come back to life and gotten himself a digital camera and a graphics workstation... So, wow; that is nice to know about. But on a whim I follow Mr. Habeeb's via link, to Christopher Higgs' journal bright stupid confetti -- and find myself overwhelmed by the insane quantity of beautiful, interesting pictures -- paintings, photography, posters... surrealistic videos... lectures on poetry (in English) by Borges... I'm pretty much blown away by this site.
 Update: More info about Jim Kazanjian at artistaday.com, where he was profiled last month.
posted evening of Wednesday, January 27th, 2010 ➳ More posts about Pretty Pictures ➳ More posts about M.C. Escher
Hi Jeremy,
Thank you for your kind words about my site! I really appreciate it. & it makes me happy to know that it brings you enjoyment.
I do a new post every Wednesday.
posted morning of January 28th, 2010 by Christopher Higgs
Glad to hear it -- your single posts look to each contain at least a week's worth of content... I'll come by next week to see what you're up to.
posted morning of January 28th, 2010 by Jeremy
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