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Monday, May 26th, 2014

🦋 Quiero ser Varamo

I could swear I've read the first pages of Varamo before now. Possibly a long excerpt was posted on somebody's blog? They dovetail way too closely for comfort with my own fantasy life...

Un día de 1923, en la ciudad de Colón (Panamá), un escribiente de tercera salía del Ministerio donde cumplía funciones, al terminar su jornada de trabajo, después de pasar por la Caja para cobrar su sueldo, porque era el último día hábil del mes. En el lapso que fue entre ese momento y el amanecer del día siguiente, unas diez o doce horas después, escribió un largo poema, completo desde la decisión de escribirlo hasta el punto final, tras el cual no habría agregados ni enmiendas....

posted afternoon of May 26th, 2014: 1 response

🦋 variations

Over time, working at the Branch Library, I came to think of all books as just misprinted editions of Moby-Dick. Carol told me she felt the same way.
Shaenon K. Garrity has written the only (non-graphic*) "Library of Babel" fanfic that will ever need to be written.

* There is certainly still room for a "Library of Babel" graphic novel. Make with the infinite libraries, cartoonists!

posted afternoon of May 26th, 2014: Respond
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Friday, May 16th, 2014

🦋 Intenciones extendidas

El poemario es cosa física!

posted afternoon of May 16th, 2014: 2 responses
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Saturday, May third, 2014

🦋 A different kind of asemic writing

The final canto of Altazor is sui generis. It is "asemic" -- it communicates a text without using an established language.


Al aia aia
ia ia ia aia ui
Lali lalá
Rimbibolam lam lam
Uiaya zollonario
Monlutrella monluztrella
Montresol y mandotrina
Ai ai
Montesur en lasurido
Lusponsedo solinario
Aururaro ulisamento lalilá
Ylarca murllonía
Hormajauma marijauda
Olamina olasica lalilá
Olandera uruaro
Ia ia campanuso compasedo
Aí ai mareciente y eternauta
Redontella tallerendo lucenario
Ia ia
Ai i a
Ai ai aia
layu yu
ayu yu
Sensorida e infimento
Ululayo ululamento
Cantasorio ululaciente
Oraneva yu yu yo
Infilero e infinauta zurrosía
Jaurinario ururayó
Montañfendo oraranía
Arorasía ululacente
ivarisa tarirá
Campanudio lalalí
Auriciento auronida
Io ia
Ai a i a a i i i i o ia
Here is Juan Ángel Italiano reading it:

posted afternoon of May third, 2014: Respond
➳ More posts about Altazor: The Journey by Parachute


por J Osner

de mandarle al Agua
que sea agua
ni a la Tierra que sea tierra
ni tampoco a la luz
y la oscuridad que se separen
debe hacer creador el Fuego
y lo dejar

posted afternoon of May third, 2014: 1 response
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🦋 la Universidad Desconocida: week 2

I presented my chapbook of biblical verse, and got good notes. Primarily -- I should keep my poems short and intense, and resonant; anchor the ideas in imagery; and surprise the reader. The favorite was "Esquéleto":


Esto son mis huesos
desnudos; vestilos
en carne, inspirámelo
el Espíritu a mí.
Planteá Vos la sembra espiritual
que crezca y florezca profecía
que sueñe yo los sueños
de iluminación
Readings for next week are Latin American vanguard poems, a beautiful selection (which somehow manages to omit Pasos and Cuadras).

posted morning of May third, 2014: 1 response
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Saturday, April 26th, 2014

🦋 Readings for week 2

I'm finding this week's readings for the Universidad Desconocida much more engaging than last week's. Check it out:

  1. Fernando Pessoa, "Poema de canción sobre la esperanza"
  2. T.S. Eliot, "Burnt Norton"
  3. Anna Akhmatova, "Réquiem"
  4. Eugenio Montale, "Sestear palido y absorto"
  5. Federico García Lorca, "Romance de la luna"
  6. Jacques Prévert, "Para hacer el retrato de un pájaro"
  7. Robert Desnos, "Tanto soñé contigo"
  8. Luis Cernuda, "Si el hombre pudiera decir lo que ama"
  9. W.H. Auden, "Musée des beaux artes" (in a beatiful translation by José Emilio Pacheco)
  10. Miguel Hernández, "El niño yuntero"
  11. Dylan Thomas, "And Death Shall Have No Dominion"
  12. Paul Celan, "Todesfugue"
  13. Philip Larkin, "This Be the Verse" (another quite excellent translation, by Enrique Winter)
  14. Wislawa Szymborska, "Lectura"

posted afternoon of April 26th, 2014: Respond
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Thursday, April 24th, 2014

🦋 la Universidad Desconocida: week 1

Had a little trouble following the discussion of the readings in more than fragments. Read a classmate's beautiful poem "Lullaby for insomniacs," remembering and mourning for her mother. I presented my poem "un ejercicia en la forma pronominal" and got some really valuable notes. The title is not really a title to speak of and the quote from Leiris needs to go -- Enrique Winter recommended I cut a few lines at the end.

But people really seemed to appreciate the poem and find it amusing. Ran out of time before we could read another classmate's poem, I'm going to read that now.

posted evening of April 24th, 2014: Respond

Saturday, April 19th, 2014

🦋 Versos bíblicos: Poemario

I've started putting together a chapbook of poems based on Biblical verses -- using as a core the poems I've been posting lately under the tag book:bible. It's looking interesting! I'll present the chapbook at the taller de poesía en la Universidad Desconocida. The contents (currently -- I am hoping to write at least one more poem this weekend):

  1. "Profetizarse" -- quotes from Genesis, John. Invocation of God asking for His Word.
  2. "Caminos de la carne y del Espíritu" -- quotes from Romans, Psalms. Dialog between flesh and Spirit.
  3. "Vete y haz lo mismo" -- quotes from Luke. Meditation on the parable of the good Samaritan.
  4. "Tíramela" -- quotes from Leviticus, John. Meditation on casting the first stone.
  5. (untitled) -- quote from Ecclesiastes.
  6. "insensible" -- quote from Matthew.
  7. (untitled) -- Meditation on prophesy with reference to Joel.
  8. "Esqueleto" -- Meditation on prophesy.
  9. "Lo que diría la esposa de Lot" by Karen Finneyfrock.

posted morning of April 19th, 2014: 1 response
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Thursday, April 17th, 2014

🦋 descanse en paz, Gabo

“Gracias, maestro Gabo. Viaja tranquilo, que seguirán vivo entre nosotros”.

-- Jaime Abello Banfi

posted evening of April 17th, 2014: Respond
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